Why chickens make great pets
Your new bbf: We said it multiple times and we like to repeat it: Chickens are incredibly social animals. They enjoy the company of both humans and other chickens, making them delightful companions.
Plus, research has shown that chickens are smarter than we often give them credit for. According to a study by Dr. Chris Evans, chickens can recognise over 100 individual faces, both human and animal. They also have the ability to solve problems, understand cause and effect, and even exhibit empathy towards their peers.
Whether it’s watching them peck around the yard or listening to their gentle clucking, chickens have a unique way of adding life to any backyard.
Fresh eggs: Yes, companionship is a major perk, but do we want to talk about the fresh eggs?! Chickens can lay eggs almost daily, giving you a steady supply of delicious, natural eggs. Think of it as having your very own egg-laying chef. Just remember to clean them and eat them fresh.
Low maintenance: Compared to traditional pets, chickens require relatively low maintenance. Once you set up their coop and run, they need daily feeding, water, and occasional cleaning. No need for walks or grooming sessions.
Educational birds Chickens can be a fantastic educational tool for their owners. They teach responsibility, biology, and food origins – basically an applied science lesson.
Pest control: Chickens are natural pest controllers. They love to eat insects, weeds, and even small rodents, helping to keep your garden free of pests without the need for harmful chemicals. They’re tiny, feathered exterminators.
Extra tips for happy pet chickens
Okay, you got your first chicken (actually 3, because you don’t want them to suffer loneliness). What now? Here is a short list of things you need to pay attention to for giggling healthy chicken pets:
1. Safe and comfy coop A large, well-ventilated coop is essential for protecting your chickens from predators and harsh weather. Ensure the coop has enough space for your flock to roost comfortably and lay eggs in peace. According to the University of Georgia, each chicken needs about 4 square feet of coop space.
2. Balanced diet Chickens need a balanced diet to stay healthy. Commercial chicken feed is specially created to enrich our birdies with the necessary proteins and vitamins. Additionally, you can supplement their diet with kitchen scraps, grains, and occasional treats like mealworms. Always provide fresh, clean water. If you want to know more about the chickens’ menu, we wrote an article about it!
3. Regular health checks: Keep an eye on your chickens’ health by performing regular checks. Look for signs of illness such as changes in appetite, behaviour, or feather condition. Remember to consult with a vet who has experience with poultry to care for your chickens in the best way possible.
4. Enrichment activities Chickens are intelligent and curious animals that need mental stimulation. Providing enrichment activities like hanging treats, mirrors, or perches can keep them entertained. Think of it as providing them with their own little playground.
5. Social interaction Chickens thrive in groups, so it’s best to keep always more than one. They also enjoy human interaction and can even be trained to come when called or to enjoy being held. This interaction not only strengthens your bond but also helps you monitor their health and well-being. Plus, how cute is it to have a little chicken army following you around the yard?
To round it up: keeping chickens as pets can be an incredibly rewarding experience. They offer companionship, entertainment, and a steady supply of fresh eggs. Did we convince you yet?